Global Universal Design Commission Europe
Global Universal Design Commission Europe
Global Universal Design Commission Europe

Global Universal Design Commission Europe

For a more universally designed world

We believe that universal design can reveal new ways for making inclusion a fundamental part of your commitment to sustainability, innovation, and social responsibility.

Sustainable Development Goals

FNs bærekraftsmål er verdens felles arbeidsplan for å utrydde fattigdom, bekjempe ulikhet og stoppe klimaendringene innen 2030

God helse
God utdanning
Likestilling mellom kjønnene
Anstendig arbeid og økonomisk vekst
Innovasjon og infrastruktur
Mindre ulikhet
Bærekraftige byer og samfunn
Fred og rettferdighet
Samarbeid for å nå målene

Universal design puts equality and diversity at the heart of creating new products and services. This ensures that everyone will have access to new technology and that those technologies will be usable for as many people as possible.

e use co-innovation methods to make diversity a key part of the design process. This puts the most marginalized groups at the center of innovation. Our methods gamify design to make it fun and engaging for everyone to create new solutions to persistent problems.

Did you know that diversity can make your teams more innovative and produce better results? You already have the resources. Our workshops help you use those resources to benefit your employees, customers, and society.

OrganisasjonerOrganizations are businesses, municipalities, research etc.


De forskjellige virksomhetsområdene

Telekommunikasjon og programvare
Bygg og anlegg
sport og rekreasjon


De forskjellige utfordringene det er kategorisert i

Innsamling av data
Forbedre tilgang på data
Improving travel safety
Improving public transport accessibility
Improving education
Promoting active living
Improving social integration
Improving Life Quality
Improving Elderly Care
Promoting sustainable behavior
Facilitating Citizen Engagement
Improving personnel efficiency
Encouraging digital entrepreneurship
Creating new jobs
Enabling new business opportunities

Sundenga 6


© 2021 , made during COVID-19 lockdown with by Terje